Conference Overview
The annual Botany Conference brings together a broad
spectrum of researchers, professors, educators and motivated students,
all focused on what’s
new and vibrant in plant biology. Botany 2006 promises to be the
most stimulating to date as we celebrate one hundred years of promoting
and advancing the rich and diverse fields of plant sciences. This
centennial celebration brings together our four leading professional
societies, namely the Botanical Society of America, the American
Bryological and Lichenological Society, the American Society of Plant
Taxonomists, and the American Fern Society. The meeting will focus
on the important achievements of our members and will highlight prominent
botanists whose contributions have shaped and advanced the varied
fields of plant biology.
An anticipated 1000 participants will present over 700 scientific contributions
including papers, posters, special lectures and 15 symposia. A full
slate of field trips and scientific workshops and social events will
round out the program.
Botany 2006 is being held on the campus of Chico State University,
Chico, California
Saturday, July 29, will feature the 5th Educational
and Outreach Forum. This successful component of the Botany conference
is designed to draw educators and researchers involved in the teaching
of biology and plant science from kindergarten through college. The
day will include a range of engaging interactive sessions, a keynote
lecture and a concluding reception that will provide an opportunity
for attendees to discuss and network in a social setting. For the first
time, teachers will be able to apply for California Continuing Professional
Education Credits to participate in Forum activities.
Sunday, July 30th, will be an active
day of scientific workshops, and fieldtrips. Sunday evening
will open the scientific meeting with the conference-wide
Plenary Lecture, followed by an All Society Mixer.
Monday morning, July 31st, kicks off
the scientific sessions and symposia. Tuesday afternoon,
August 1st, will feature a conference-wide Poster Session,
with an expected 400 posters featuring current research
and recent topics. Scientific Sessions will conclude
on Wednesday, August 2nd. Participating
Societies will also hold social events and meetings throughout
the week.