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Select the Keywords to browse their abstracts. Select as many as you like.

radiance (1 Abstract)
rainforest (1 Abstract)
Ramalina (1 Abstract)
Raman imagery (1 Abstract)
range expansion (1 Abstract)
Ranunculaceae (1 Abstract)
Ranunculales (1 Abstract)
RAPD (1 Abstract)
RAPDs (1 Abstract)
Raphides (1 Abstract)
rapid evolution (2 Abstracts)
rare (1 Abstract)
rare genomic changes (1 Abstract)
rare plant conservation (8 Abstracts)
rates of evolution (1 Abstract)
rbcL (1 Abstract)
rbcL (3 Abstracts)
rDNA and plastid sequence data (3 Abstracts)
re-establishment (1 Abstract)
reading primary texts (1 Abstract)
Reboulia hemispaerica (1 Abstract)
Reciprocal index (1 Abstract)
reconstruction (1 Abstract)
recovery (1 Abstract)
regeneration (1 Abstract)
Regional Network (2 Abstracts)
reindeer (1 Abstract)
reintroduction (1 Abstract)
relative-quantitative RT-PCR (2 Abstracts)
relative growth rate (1 Abstract)
reliable clades (1 Abstract)
relict (1 Abstract)
remote sensing (1 Abstract)
Reporter Gene Expression (1 Abstract)
Reproduction (1 Abstract)
reproductive assurance (1 Abstract)
reproductive biology (2 Abstracts)
reproductive isolation (1 Abstract)
reproductive output (1 Abstract)
reproductive trade-offs (1 Abstract)
reserve shelterwood (1 Abstract)
resource management (1 Abstract)
restoration (9 Abstracts)
Restoration Genetics (1 Abstract)
Restored (1 Abstract)
reticulate evolution (2 Abstracts)
retrotransposons (1 Abstract)
Reunion Island (1 Abstract)
Reverse Transcriptase (1 Abstract)
RFLP (1 Abstract)
rhizobia (1 Abstract)
Rhizosphere(R) (1 Abstract)
Rhodiola integrifolia (1 Abstract)
Rhododendron (1 Abstract)
Rhododendron (1 Abstract)
Rhododendron caucasicum (1 Abstract)
Rhodomyrtus (1 Abstract)
Rhynie chert (1 Abstract)
Rinorea (1 Abstract)
riparian (1 Abstract)
riparian restoration (1 Abstract)
RNA (1 Abstract)
robustness (1 Abstract)
rodents (1 Abstract)
Romneya coulteri (1 Abstract)
root (2 Abstracts)
root apical meristem (1 Abstract)
root cap (1 Abstract)
root colonization (1 Abstract)
Rosa (1 Abstract)
Rosaceae (3 Abstracts)
rosids (1 Abstract)
rps2 (1 Abstract)
rps4 (1 Abstract)
rps4 (1 Abstract)
rps4-trnS (1 Abstract)
Rubiaceae (1 Abstract)
RuBisCO (1 Abstract)
Rubus (2 Abstracts)
Ruellia (1 Abstract)
Russian Far East (3 Abstracts)
Ruta (1 Abstract)
rye (1 Abstract)

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